Monday, September 16, 2013
Hello Cho's!
It's a brand new week!  Let's get you caught up on all the things happening around Chobots!

First off, if you don't remember this challenge, we failed it last time due to a big amount of trolling throughout the community.  It's a Tree Day challenge!

Welcome to my boredom

This challenge is much like the last one, except this time, we have to keep the trees red for at least two hours straight.  If you don't know the rules, it's really simple!  Us Chobots have to keep all of the trees on Chobots World painted a certain color (In this case, red) for a certain amount of time (In this case, two hours straight).  If we can work together as a team and succeed this challenge, every single user of Chobots will receive something special!  The challenge will begin on Tuesday, September 12 at 12:30 pm Cho-Time.  The team is watching, so they will be able to tell if we succeed or don't succeed!

Time left until the challenge starts:

Speaking of challenges, the Chobots Team hasn't challenged us to a game of Hangman and Pictionary in a while!  Well, worry no more!  The Chobots Team would like us to join them on Wednesday and challenge us to a few games of Hangman and Pictionary!

If you're interested in testing your knowledge and playing a few games, meet the staff in the Agents Underground at 21:00 pm Cho-Time on Wednesday, September 18th for some fun, and hopefully challenging games!  If you're still kind of new to the whole Pictionary and Hangman scene, let me lay down the rules for you.  In Pictionary, the drawer will draw something on the wall for us to guess.  The first one to get it correct will get a point.  In Hangman, you have to discover the hidden word, that has a certain amount of spaces, and you have to guess letters to get your way through the puzzle, and the one to guess the hidden word or phrase will get a point!

I hope you can join the staff for some fun, below is a countdown clock for your convenience.

Next up, it's that time of month again - Journalism!  Journalism is a big goal for most of our Chobots users, and anyone would love to have their blog showcased by the staff themselves.  Journalists work hard to make their blog as perfect as it can possibly be each month, since the staff refreshes the journalism team about once a month.

Bloggers that are journalists receive many great perks for their accomplishment, such as
  • Their blog is added to the main blog's sidebar
  • Their blog is advertised at the time of the play window each time a user logs on
  • A badge with their blog's name is added to their playercard to show off their accomplishment
  • They are able to post one post on the Chobots official blog
  • They are able to send a staff member a Private Chat even when the staff member's playercard is blocked
  • They will receive a feather, 10000 bugs, and 7 days of citizenship for their hard work
  • Your in-game name tag will be turned to a purple background color
Sounds awesome right?  Just hold your horses though.  There are certain requirements your blog must meet before you can post a submission for Journalsim.
  • Your blog is AT LEAST one (1) month old
  • Your blog must be active, and must be updated weekly, but preferably daily.
  • Your posts are original and are written by yourself and yourself ONLY - No plagiarism allowed
  • Make your blog look nice and noticeable.  A simple header with a simple template will do, but feel free to do whatever you want with your blog!  Be creative!
If your blog meets these requirements, and you feel you have what it takes, post a submission with your blog link on this post.  Keep in mind that blog submitted anywhere else will not be counted.  You will have until September 24th to get your blog in top shape!

**NOTE TO FORMER JOURNALISTS**:  If you're interested in becoming a journalist for this month, you MUST re-submit your blog by the said date above.

And lastly, I'm sure we all remember the Game Zone contests.  They've ended and our winners have been announced for each game!  Keep in mind, since 5 games were all having a competition at once, the top 2 players received prizes for their effort!

Congratulations to each of the winners!  First place winners receive 5 days of citizenship, a gold #1 medal, and 5000 bugs!  Second place winners receive 4 days of citizenship, a silver #2 medal, and 4000 bugs.  Congratulations once again to the winners and to everyone who participated and tries to get in the Top 2!  Don't be upset if you didn't win this time, there will be plenty more contests in the future.

Have a good week!


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