Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Hello Cho's!
I'm sure you all listen to music, whether it's on Youtube, on your MP3 players, or even when you visit a blog like mine and many other's.  Music is all around us - of all genres too!  Parties bring the most genres of music together all at once!  So the team thought we should have a special Wednesday Music Jam party!  There will be magic, colors, some rain, and of course, music of any genre!

The party will be held tomorrow, August 21st at 5:30 pm Cho-Time at the Music Stage.  If you don't know what the Music Stage is, it is the little garage type building at Rockemall Street.  It is a citizens exclusive room, making this a citizen only party.  Bring your instruments and let your musical side roam free!  The users with the best outfits mixed with their instruments will receive some prizes!  A timer is placed below in case you need help figuring out the time that the party will start!

Have a Great Time!


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