Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Good evening!
Even if it doesn't seem like it, music is everywhere.  It can be at home, in a car, or even on Chobots!  If you are a hardcore music lover, you may even design your own outfit to your own personal music liking.  Well, tomorrow, Wednesday, Augst 7th, you will get to show off your love for music, as the Chobots team and staff will be hosting a Wednesday Music Jam event.  Everyone is encouraged to buy an instrument (or use one they already own), and rock out with all types of instruments, and make the planet of Chobots rock with beautiful music!  Moderators will also help out by playing their own music throughout the day!

Not only will we be rocking Chobots with our amazing musical talents, but there will also be a competition!  You need to form a band of at least two members and no more than five members playing their instruments, and take a quick photo or video, and submit it to the comments of the post here.  Make sure to have Chobots names turned on.  The winning group receives a week of citizenship!  All pictures MUST be uploaded to Tinypic, and all videos MUST be uploaded to YouTube.  You cannot be in more than one band!

Music Jam will be held all day on Wednesday, August 7th.  

I hope everyone has fun tomorrow for this unique event!  If you are unable to attend, that's ok!  There are always going to be special events the the Chobots Staff hosts for us!

Have a great week!


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